Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Dulce Maria.

I love and adore my goddaughter. She is the most precious little thing to me.  No other child catches my attention like she does.  I think everything she does and says is the cutest thing i've seen.  Because of her I learned to like children haha.  Before I couldnt stand children I just thought they were annoying, everything about them bothered me.  Maybe I was just an evil bitter witch before she came to this world.  But now I just think back and think how could I ever dislike children?  They are so innocent and know nothing about the world there in.  I think my mommy senses are kicking in ! Of course before I have any little treasures of my own I want everything to be perfect for them. And unfortunately that is going to take a couple of years to happen, so for now all of my attention goes to my little Dulce.

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